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Barra Vieja

Finally it's Friday! and I'm on my way to Acapulco (yes! two weekends in a row)  These are a couple of pictures we took last weekend at Barra Vieja, Mexico it's an amazing country, I feel blessed to live here!
With love, 


¡Por fin es viernes! y yo, corro de nuevo a Acapulco (dos fines seguidos a la playa ¡plan ganador).... les dejo algunas fotos del fin pasado en Barra Vieja ¡Qué lindo es México! Es un privilegio vivir en este Pais.  

Con cariño,


The Outfit: Bikini: OndaDeMar. Tunic: OndaDeMar. 

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[name=Gina Ortega] [img=] [description=Fashion junkie, shoe addict, art lover. Fashion Stylist & Founder of High On Fashion®]

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