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 I was here, in Budapest eight years ago, since then, I feel in love with this city, it has a very peculiar vibe, it's stunning at every angle... the jewel of the Danube.

With love,


Moría de ganas por regresar a Budapest, vine hace como ocho años y quedé fascinada con esta ciudad, es hermosa... no en vano le llaman la "Joya del Danubio"

Con cariño, 


Playsuit: BCBGMAXAZRIA. Shoes: Prada. Sunglasses: Chanel. Necklace: Tiffany & Co. Bag: Givenchy. 


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[name=Gina Ortega] [img=] [description=Fashion junkie, shoe addict, art lover. Fashion Stylist & Founder of High On Fashion®]

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